Sepulcros de Miel (English: Graves of Honey) is the twenty-first
release by Omar Rodriguez-Lopez, guitarist of The Mars Volta Group.
Released under the Omar Rodriguez-Lopez Quartet name, this record
features fellow Mars Volta members John Frusciante, Juan Alderete &
Marcel Rodriguez-Lopez. The record will be digitally released June 1,
2010, with a vinyl release to follow later in the month. This record is a
free download with the option to donate money. All money raised will go
to "Keep Music In Schools”.
The Quartet Are:
John Frusciante
Juan Alderete De La Peña
Omar Rodriguez Lopez
Marcel Rodriguez Lopez
По сути, это один 30-минутный трек, заканчивающийся тем же, чем и
начинался. Слушать можно безостановочно много-много раз.